Home >  Product >VACINV Universal Label Holder Thermal Label Holder Desktop Printer Stand for Rolls and Fan-Fold Lable, Widely Use for Home/Office/Small Bussiness
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VACINV Universal Label Holder Thermal Label Holder Desktop Printer Stand for Rolls and Fan-Fold Lable, Widely Use for Home/Office/Small Bussiness

Product ID:   VC004R
Availability:   In Stock
  •  【Universal Label Printer】 This label holder is compatible with most label printers, easy to work.

    【Rolls & Fan-Fold Labels Stand】It is fit for roll and fold labels; You can flexibility to use different label types to catering your need.
    【Compatible Size】This label holder sutiable for most labels, accommodating roll labels with a maximum outside diameter of 7 inches, and fan-fold labels up to 7.3 x 4.3 inches.
    【Easy to Use】This label holder is easy to assemble and disassemble.
    【Kindly Note】Packing include: 1x Label Holder (Not included lable); Before purchasing kindly confirm the size of your label if is suitable.

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